


Friday, July 3, 2015

Funny Friday & Happy 4th!

First, Happy 4th of July weekend!  Please keep in mind all of those who have given their lives for our freedoms and those who continue to serve.

Be safe and have fun celebrating this weekend, but keep in mind the real reason we celebrate this holiday.

* * * * *

Today I have some funny stuff to share with you along with a few other random things.  I did want to let you know that one of my favorite beauty tools - the Clarisonic - is the Today's Special Value on QVC.

(source: QVC)

The price is $124.92, but you can split it into 4 payments of $31.23 when you use your credit card.  You not only get the Clarisonic, but the charger, a case for it, 4 replacement brush heads (that are usually $44/each, so you're good for at least a year with these, if not more), and a small cleanser to get started (although you can use any cleanser with it).

They have really cool colors, too!  I only have the white, but I LOVE the colored ones.  This really is a great deal considering the price would be double if the items were sold separately.  I truly love, love, love my Clarisonic.  If you'd like to learn more about it, watch the video from QVC here:

* * * * *

For today's "Funny Friday," I thought I'd share a few things my son D. has said lately:

(While in the bath one night...)

D:     Mom, what are these things under my pee pee?
Me:  Those are your testicles.
D:     Oh.  Does Daddy have testicles?
Me:  Yes.
D:     But his are bigger.
Me:  Right.
D:     Why are there two?  In case one gets broken?
Me:   No, that's just how you're made.
D:      Do girls have testicles?
Me:    No.
D:      Why?  Because girls and boys have different pee pees?
Me:    Yes.

(And then, as if he has just figured out the hardest math problem ever...)


(There you have it, folks.  My kid's a genius.)

* * * * *

D:    Mom, will you play Ninjago with me?
Me:  Sure.
D:     You can be the Overlord or Sensei Wu.  Which one do you want to be?
Me:  The Overlord.
D:     No!  You have to be Sensei Wu.
Me:   I don't even know who Sensei Wu is.  Why did you ask me if you're going to tell me what to
         do anyway?
D:     You do that to Daddy.
Me:   True.

* * * * *

(What he said to me one night after I had just eaten a HUGE meal...)

D:     Is there a baby in your belly?
Me:  No!!
D:     Then why is it so big?
Me:  Well, I just ate a lot.
D:     It sure looks like a baby could fit in there to me.
Me:  Thanks, but there's no baby.
D:     You're welcome.

* * * * *

Okay - two last things.

1)  I'm going for a pedicure on Monday and am LONG overdue.  Color suggestions, anyone?  I feel like I always choose a coral, similar to this (love the accent nail here)...

or this...

So I was thinking of going with pale blue, perhaps...

or possibly more of a periwinkle...

or maybe even a neon yellow.  So trendy and cool.

What do you think?

Oh, and I found this picture online and love this idea, too:

Oh, the possibilities!!

2)  Next, have any of you ever attended a BlogHer conference?  I am considering registering at the last minute for this year's in NYC.  If you know anything about these, please share!  I've been on the fence since it's not cheap!

* * * * *

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great holiday weekend!


  1. Haha your son's quotes crack me up! Also, when he thought you were pregnant I thought he said, "you're awesome" instead of "you're welcome" at the end at first hahaha.

  2. Hi BB! Happy Fourth of July weekend. Ok, you and your kid have some of the best conversations! Do you keep a straight face with him when he throws the punch line? I don't know if I could; these brought tears to my eyes. If I were you I'd be falling over with laughter. I saw the clarisonic special on QVC last night -so tempted to get this. Several friends - including a teenager- have one.

    About the nail polish, I think a medium to dark purple would look good with your Italian coloring. Maybe OPI "Planks a Lot" (yes I looked it up). Or maybe a cobalt blue like OPi Blur on my Mind. I prefer a more nude, natural shade, if I wore polish.

    Have a great one!

    1. I am a huge purple fan... I'll be looking for those colors for next time!! :-)

  3. Revision: the blue polish is Blue on my Mind, not Blur... Forehead slap

  4. Hahahaha...great stories!! Outta the mouths of babes!! Enjoy the 4th! Oh and I love these polishes! I'd go with the coral colors! I am so overdue for a pedicure!! Happy 4th!

    1. Yes - my son definitely surprises me every day with the things he says. My buddy.
      Thanks for stopping by! :-)
