


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Library - The Before Pics (so you know what I'm working with here!)

Oh, goodness.  My library is a hot mess.

Or perhaps I should say it was left a hot mess.

The former librarian retired in June of last year, and then there were two subs in for me while I was on leave.  I don't blame the subs for not cleaning anything up; after all, they knew their jobs were not permanent. However, I think the former librarian may have been a hoarder.

I'm serious.  It's bad.

Take a look for yourself... (and sorry for some of the fuzzy pics!)

I have been working hours and hours each day to get things cleaned up and straightened out.  I like that saying about "a place for everything and everything in its place."  I hate clutter and stuff that serves no purpose.

So basically what's happening is I'm throwing a lot away and finding places for the things I have to keep (or things at least I think I need to keep).

It's been exhausting.  It feels like when we first moved into our house.  (We moved in in June of 2008 -- the same month we were married -- and, being teachers and having the summer off, we worked our butts off to paint and redo pretty much everything.  It was like Groundhog Day.  Wake up, paint, work, eat, paint some more, work some more, eat, paint more, go to sleep, and do it all again the next day.  It felt never-ending.)

That's how these library preparations are making me feel.  But I can't start the school year with a disheveled workspace.  I just can't.

So I'll be cleaning up most of this week in there as well and probably some of next week, too.  I hate wasting the end of my summer doing this, but it desperately needs it.

I'll have after pictures to share with you, of course, though it could be a while.  Stay tuned!

Oh, and happy Tuesday.  I'll be celebrating later tonight with a margarita and tacos.
Because, after all...


  1. I feel for you!!! Cleaning and organizing someone else's mess is no fun!!!! I'm sure it'll look great and you'll feel SO much better once it's done. Until then - yes, margaritas and tacos will help, lol!!

    1. I sure hope so. You're right -- the margarita and tacos will definitely help!

  2. That is a lot of stuff to go through!!
    Hoping you are able to make sense of it soon! :)

  3. Wow, what "leftovers". Hope you will be able to plow through all this quickly and put your organized mark on the library. Hang in there BB!

    1. Thanks for your encouraging words (as always!), Laurie!

  4. Just looking at that mess stresses me out! I feel for you. You can do it! You deserve those tacos and margaritas, that's for sure!

    1. It stresses me out every time I walk in there, and I am sure it will continue to stress me out until it's done... UGH!! Screw the tacos -- margaritas, here I come! :-)
