


Sunday, September 20, 2015

All Quiet on the Blog Front

I know.  It's been a while.

We literally just returned -- like half an hour ago -- from a weeklong vacation to Disney World.  We are exhausted.  But we are excited to sleep in our own beds tonight.

I'll be back soon with a recap and pictures... after we resume our normal schedule and routines having been off them for what feels like forever.

Goodnight for now!

(Oh, and PS -- thanks to those of you who are still reading.  I hate not blogging regularly, but going back to work in a new position and then taking a trip have definitely thrown things -- aka me -- for a loop.)


  1. Glad you're back! I totally understand your not being able to blog regularly. Having a full time job and a kid would be hard enough, but the fact that you're in a new position and that you just went on vacation just adds to it!

  2. Ditto on Mattie's remarks - so glad you're back! Was getting worried and wondering if you were okay, BB and family! Look forward to your posts, once you get things settled! Take care!
